Could we ask a big favor? It’s so big, we’re reactivating every trial code we’ve ever given away.
We need to crash our server.
No, we’re not kidding – we’ve spent the last few months working hard on optimization for our game, but we don’t actually know where the breaking point is, when we cross from “healthy population” to “too many players.” We’d like to find out this weekend, but to do it, we need your help.
If you’re currently on a trial key, or if you’re a backer either from the crowdfunding days or a Founder’s Pack owner, all you have to do is log in and play at any point from 8 PM EDT this Friday until 8 AM EDT Monday morning. Also, thanks for making the game possible. You’re the best.
If you had a trial key at some point, but you decided to wait and see how things went before buying in: Hey, we’d have done the same in your shoes. We’ve really made a lot of great changes in the last six months, so why not come back and see how things are going? We’re going to make that easy by reactivating ALL trial codes ever issued, just for this weekend. We wiped the servers last week (not for the final time), so you’ll have to create a new character. Please do so any time between 8 PM EDT this Friday until 8 AM EDT Monday morning.
If you never had a trial key, but signed up for the newsletter, check your email later today. We chose a thousand random people to get a key.
If you can only play once this weekend, please make it Saturday, at 6 PM EDT/11 PM UTC. But any amount of play this weekend is great.
See you this weekend!
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