

  • Slightly increase the range at which you can see hidden characters.
  • Swinging at someone hidden will now reveal them even if you miss.
  • Empower prestige ability now heals pets of friendly players.
  • Hunter’s Mark and Silence abilities now work as expected.
  • Empower’s AoE healing fixed to properly follow Karma rules.
  • Power now gets recalculated on affinity skill gains.
  • Party consent (zero karma loss between members) no longer applies to beneficial actions. (For example healing)
  • Removed damage penalty on Mortal Strike and Concussion.
  • Attack bonus on stab increased to 50% from 25% when not stealthed.
  • With the auto target option enabled, using “Target Self” no longer changes your target to yourself.
  • Mage damage in PvE has been reduced.




  • Crates, wooden tables, torches, and wooden chairs no longer require recipes and are now automatically known. Recipes for these items will no longer be granted or required.
  • Corrected some blacksmithing order rewards granting unpacked anvils, instead of packed anvils.
  • Lockpicks are now craftable by blacksmiths.
  • Base crafting materials now grant an initial durability bonus level.




  • Fixed an issue resizing a plot where houses/lockdowns could block the resize.
  • Attempting to purchase items that would put players overweight or beyond backpack capacity will prompt a warning window indicating items dropping on the ground.
  • Bats are no longer harvestable.
  • Resolved an issue where items would sometimes disappear when dropping onto another object.
  • Players browsing missions will no longer be able to accept missions pulled from another player’s selection of missions.
  • Lowered the resource and gold drops on golems.
  • Completing a trade no longer triggers a second trade window to appear.
  • Stacks of items purchased from hireling merchants can now be correctly split.
  • Added lockpick item to characters starting with the lockpicking skill.
  • Removed normal world spawns from Black Forest awakening area.
  • Mission dispatchers now grant higher level missions to beastmasters.
  • Pets attacking mission spawns, now cause aggro towards the tamer.
  • Overkill damage is no longer counted in the list of damagers, meaning loot rights are now based on real damage done to the target.
  • Adjusted map drop rates on fishing.
  • Container item limit is now enforced.