Legends of Aria Gets Massive Update with Latest Test
Hello friends and adventurers,
Today, Citadel Studios is proud to announce that the Final Alpha for their upcoming sandbox MMORPG Legends of Aria is now underway. With 24/7 access from now through October 9th, now is the best possible time to pledge your support by pre-ordering and getting a taste of what’s to come later this year when Citadel Studios takes their game to Steam. As an added bonus, pledging now gives all players a one week head start before the Steam launch, meaning they’ll have one extra week to find and claim their land for their own house/bar/farm/shop/etc.
This is the final Alpha test before the game goes into beta and lands on Steam later this year. There’s a whole lot of newness crammed into this build. Celador is bigger than ever with tons of new places to explore. This includes 2 starting cities, many open world dungeons and adventure areas, 5 unique underground dungeons including a massive raid and so much more.

“Legends of Aria has been a massive undertaking for our independent studio these last three years. But we’re nearing the finish line, and frankly I’m beyond proud of what we’ve accomplished.” said Derek Brinkmann, CEO of Citadel Studios. “This is the MMORPG I’ve always wanted to play, and I can’t wait to share it with all our players.”
Legends of Aria’s combat system has been reworked with a focus on skill which gives all characters, not just mages, access to many exciting and powerful abilities. Introducing a new twist on traditional skill-based character progression: new citizens of Celador now possess the freedom to engage in a range of playstyles before choosing their own unique path.
“Play your way” takes on a whole new meaning as stat, armor, and skill combinations allow for hundreds of effective character builds. Legends of Aria sports a fully player-driven economy where all crafts & professions serve unique and essential roles. Hawk your wares with your own shop running out of your house, even when you’re not online.
In Legends of Aria, the legend your create will be your own. Pledge today, get into the alpha, and prepare for beta on Steam later this year.
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