The Legends of Aria Focused Alpha went live this weekend and players have taken their first steps in New Celador. We’d like to take this opportunity to give you an update on what’s happened so far and details of our first patch.
The Test
Our first test is focused on player Combat & Core Skills. During this Alpha players will be the first to experience:
- Two of eight new regions of our New Celador map.
- Prestige Classes: The Knight, Sorcerer, Gladiator & Fieldmage.
- New and improved Animal Taming.
- Player mounts & full mounted combat.
- New skills including Archery, Evocation and Stealth.
- New and improved combat system.
- New user interface and improved controls.
- Overhauled to our core skill system and rate of skill gain.
For a more detailed guide of what’s included in this test or if you’re a previous tester and want to see what has changed, please head over to our Legends of Aria Wiki where information is continuously being updated with our progress. We will continue to update the wiki as we unveil weekly content patches.
Content Schedule
During this Alpha we will be releasing content weekly for testing. The list may be subject to change to meet testing requirements!

Patch 1 is now live and you can find our full patch notes here.
Content Schedule

Join the team tonight at 8pm EST for an exclusive stream from the Legends of Aria Alpha server as we explore the newest content and latest features. You can catch us on the Legends of Aria Twitch Channel.
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